Axis Bank Telebanking service provides 24 x 7 banking facilities to the customers. Besides the automated phone banking, Axis Bank also offers you to have a chat directly with a Phone Banking Officer during the day from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on all weekdays.

The information you can avail through Axis Bank Telebanking service include balance inquiry of the available balance, the balance in your account on a particular date, brief summary of past seven transactions, request for detailed statement for a particular period or current statement for the day sent to you via fax or email, and checking the status of a Cheque issued from your account.

Axis Bank phone banking service enables you to access direct information to your savings, current or any other Axis Bank account anywhere and anytime with just a call to the bank.

India Telebanking Number: 1860 425 888

Telebanking Numbers in Select Cities:

Ahmedabad: 26563232

Bangalore: 25317830

Chennai: 28123888

Gurgaon: 2309447

Hyderabad: 23418888

Kolkata: 22839971

Mumbai: 25260501

New Delhi: 23736555


Axis Bank SMS number: 98370 00044 or 5676782

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