HUDA stands for Haryana Urban Development Authority. The HUDA was formed during the year of 1977 on the 13th day of January. The initial aim of launching this authority was to develop and reconstruct all the areas that falls within the state of Haryana. The developed cities along with under developed suburban areas all fall under the re modification procedure.
The development of all the urban areas that falls within the territorial boundary of Haryana is carried out by the Haryana Urban Development Authority with extreme efficiency. The list of major initiatives taken by the HUDA is as follows:
- People, those who do not own any sort of residential plots, should be allotted plots for betterment in living.
- If draw is held within the given period of time, then an interest of 5.5 % will be given by the HUDA to all the applicants who have invested money.
- For delay in payment, the interest rate has undergone reduction of 2 % (i.e. from 14 % per annum it has been reduced to 12 % per annum for delayed possession & 11 % per annum to 9 % per annum for on possession).
- If the entire payment is done within sixty days of the issue of the allotment letter, then a rebate of 5 % is allowed on the total cost price of the plot.
- If the plot doesn’t gets completed within a period of three years from the date of the allotment, then an interest of 9 % per annum is paid by HUDA to the applicants. However, it is to be kept in mind that the interest will only be calculated right after the expiry date of the allotment time.
- Self-certification scheme has also evolved in order to provide the common people with facility of private construction of properties. This is done through sanctioning of the building plans through the HUDA authorities.
- Systematic conduction of Audit procedure to keep in track about all the missing links and discrepancies. This, as a result, helps in identifying the faults and trying to correct them in order to provide a better urban living facility.
- The old and aged sectors are planned accordingly in order to develop the roads. The development of old crooked roads is essential in order to improve the traffic circulation procedure. HUDA has taken initiative to re-construct wider roads in these sectors for the betterment of the residents.
- All the financial as well property management account related systems are changed to computerized type instead of manual transmission. User id as well passwords have been provided to all the residential people whose names have been there in the allotment list.
- The website where the computerized transmission takes place also features all the related rules, help manuals, other detailed instructions, and circulars for the wellbeing of the people accessing it. And not to forget, the website keeps on updating on regular basis to keep the user aware of the recent happenings and circumstances.
- In order to meet up with the needs and requirements of the people residing in the sectors, several updated planning norms have been launched. This also includes the conscious effort to keep the environment clean and green.
- Streamlining of the auction systems on several commercial sites has started taking place in a more frequent way. This helps in making the public aware of the reserved price for each site and plot on an earlier basis.
- The transfer of ownership agreement of any constructed building can be undergone by bonafide entrepreneurs immediately after the commencing of the project.
- Newer and upgraded policies on lease concept in order to set up the PNG stations.
- Improvement on the medical facilities in the localities and residential areas is done effectively by the HUDA. Due to their active support, each residential area within the state of Haryana is now enjoying the existence of a medical clinic and nursing homes.
- Several camps have been organized to undergo the basic and required formalities needs for the sector floatation procedures after the finalization schemes of the settlement claims.
- Facility to provide the scheduled castes and tribes with separate allotment of govt. residential plots.
- Increase of EWS based plots from a mere 20 % to a whopping 35 %.
- The launching of the ASHIANA project. This project helps in providing the EWS residents with readymade constructed flats at an affordable rate. Moreover, the facility of easy monthly installment policies is also provided by the HUDA.
- Greater facilities to women while giving them a massive rebate of 90 % on the property extension fees. However, it is to be kept in mind that the rebate can be only availed if and only if the property is exclusively owned by the women. The rebate transforms to a complete 100 % if the property is owned by women widows.
- Launching of newer rebate schemes which simplifies the allotment policy of the land property to the ECHS at attractive concessions and rebates.
- Those residential people who are working with the Indian Army need to submit the domicile certificate. However, the issuing agent can be now from the C.O. instead of the civil SDO. For the retired ones, the certificate needs to be issued from the DSB instead of RSB.
- The provision of annuity payment policy has been implemented with greater efficiency. The upgraded outsees policies have been more liberal than the previous ones.
- Those entrepreneurs who have some sort of physical discrepancies (handicap) shall have the facility to avail the extra two percent reserved plots of around five hundred meters to open up their industrial area. Not only shall this, but a marginal subsidy (10 %) also be provided at both the industrial as well the residential plots.
- Inspection of each sector by at least a single estate officer
- Free medical check-ups and treatments to under privileged people of the society. This will happen if the land is allotted to some private hospitals at marginal rates and rebates. Around twenty percent of the patients need to be treated at absolutely free of cost and ten percent of beds are required to get reserved for the underprivileged sections. This is a mandatory thing and need to be done while maintain registers and records in a proper way.
Contact Details
HUDA, Panchkula,
C-3, Sector-6,
Phone:+91 – 0172 – 560024(O)
For further information visit their website:
HUDA, Faridabad,
HUDA Complex, Sector-12,
Phone:+91 – 0129 – 285497 (O)
HUDA, Gurgaon,
HUDA Complex,Sector-14,
Phone: +91 – 0124 – 321650 (O)
HUDA, Hisar,
HUDA Complex, U.E.II,
Phone: +91 – 01662 – 32085 (O)