Home Alarm Systems ensure complete safety of your valuables as well as the members of your family. A timely alert by the alarm system you have installed in your home will give you enough time to take protective measures in case of a threat to your security. A home alarm system consists of devices that can detect fire, smoke, opening of doors & windows and any movement that may jeopardize the safety of your home, belongings or your loved ones. On detecting anything unusual, the siren of the system goes off, which help you act promptly. The noise of the siren is powerful enough to scare away robbers, burglars and thieves.
Home Alarm Systems in India
Home Alarm Systems are gaining popularity in India, especially in metropolis and areas with large urban settlements owing to the rising phenomena of burglary, forced intrusions and robbery. Home alarm systems in India also offer protection from things like fire, smoke and vibration. The devices that constitute a security alarm system vary from company to company. However, most system consist of a siren and one or more detectors, which depend on the typical requirement of a household.
Home Security Alarm Systems : Components
The components of a typical home security alarm system may vary but their impact on the overall security will remain the same. Glass break detector, door alarms, monitored fire detection system, pool alarms, vibration detectors, door & window contact, wireless panic button, door sensors, smoke detectors, driveway alarms, talking devices, magnetic contact sensors, hardware alarms, home security key fob and master control panel are some of the major components of a security alarm system in India. Communication among all these instruments and devices is maintained by the master control panel, which can be regarded as the brain of the system. A key pad is also provided to let you control the operation yourself.
Security Alarms : Categories
The system may vary according to the specific requirements of a home. To protect your home from fire, you need a smoke detection system and a fire alert device. Similarly, you will need an intruder alarm system to keep away burglars and other people with vicious intention. There are devices that let you record sounds and movements of these people also. Some alarm systems can be connected with various telecommunication devices to offer remote control operation. Sometimes, security cameras also form an integral part of a home alarm system.