When you apply for a home loan you need to know your installments each year. All finance companies that provide home loan give the facility of EMI Calculator. This calculator computes the value of Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) for user specified values. It is available online and you can put values and calculate the amount for which you can take loan.

You need to enter the:

  • Values for Rate of Interest

  • The Amount of Loan required

  • Tenure (in years)

  • Whether you would like to use an Annual or Monthly Reducing balance for the calculations.

EMI Calculator helps you to calculate your interest rate on the amount you require as a loan and then you need to mention the years for which you want to take the loan. You also need to mention whether you will pay through monthly installments or yearly installments.

EMI Calculator for Home Loan

You can use this calculator if you want to apply for an Adjustable Rate home loan, this tool will enable you to calculate your Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) if you know the value of the property, the loan amount you require and the term for which you want to take the loan. You can check the EMI’s for different loan tenures to decide which would be most suitable for you. The tool will compute EMI and also provide the interest rate that is applicable.

You can use this tool for a Fixed Rate home loan to calculate your EMI. The tool will allow you to see the monthly installment and interest rate for any given loan amount.

Thus, an Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) calculator gives you a detailed idea of how you can pay back your loan.

EMI Calculator

The installment will not include any processing fee or charges which are applicable as per the rules of finance providing Authorities.


Cost of the Property


(In Rupees)

Loan Amount Applied


/- (In Rupees)

Rate Of Interest


EMI in Advance

EMI in Arrears

Months EMI

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