Are you out for shopping and forgot to carry your wallet with you or are running short of instant cash to purchase some important household product? In such situations you either have to do away with the idea of shopping or require purchasing the product on credit only if the vendor knows you well. Buying things on credit can hamper your self esteem; in such scenarios, PNB credit card proves to be the most secured way to meet your cash crunch. This card is not only safe and convenient to use but can also be carried in your wallet or pocket with great ease. Smaller in size and made from plastic this card is really beneficial and proves to be helpful in several aspects. But in order to avail this card facility it is essential to know about its features and the terms and conditions associated with it. PNB offers both Gold and Classic cards to its customers to meet their shopping, eating out, holidaying, ticket reservations and fuelling up the vehicle needs.
These cards even carry reward points so the more you use them the more points you earn which can easily be redeemed at a later date for some amazing offers or exclusive rewards program. PNB also offers add-on cards for your spouse, parents, son or daughter so that they can enjoy complete cashless freedom. This multipurpose card can also be used for paying utility bills by simply logging into the bankโs website through your credit card. This card saves you from all the hassles of carrying heavy cash anywhere as they can be used at any merchant establishment. In order to apply for the card you need to know the eligibility requirements and also download the appropriate form from the bankโs website. The Global Credit Card has no joining, renewal or annual fee and also has a free credit period of 20-50 days. This global card can even be used internationally and is also entitled to earn points and rewards.
These cards are undoubtedly safe but it is necessary to store them in a secured manner and immediately report about its loss to the 24-hour toll free call center in order to prevent the misuse of the card. The card entitles you cash advance depending upon the terms of the contract mentioned on the card. One of the greatest benefits of using this credit card from Punjab National Bank is that you even get a grace period for repayment of the money in case you missed out the repayment date. Fast to use it reduces the possible risk of money theft and provides you with complete peace of mind.